In 2021 the Syrphidae Foundation was erected and the Chairman donated a good amount to secure the start of the Foundation.
As the first year is regarded as starting year no financial overview is needed. This first year can be combined with the second and so this first financial overview is based on the years 2021 and 2022.
Costs for the Foundation are mostly costs for running the Foundation and lateron for running the Journaal van Syrphidae.
This involved costs for a professional website; the notorial deed; the chamber of commerce; the banking account and the crossref membership.
Furthermore the Chairman recieved a reimbursment for the travelcosts to the International Syrphidae Symposium to promote the Journaal van Syrphidae published by the Syrphidae Foundation.
Other costs made concern the use of molliepayment for receiving membership payments and donations.
Finally promotion T-shirts were printed and distributed to certain people.
The Journaal van Syrphidae has just started and only the editorial has been published so far. In the last months of the year 2022 4 papers have been submitted. These will be published in 2023 and it is expected that these publications will gain the visibility of the journal and increase the number of members during the year 2023.
Two organisations and several people made donations and in total 25 people became member of the foundation by donating a small amount to for the Journaal van Syrphidae.
The total expenditure over the years 2021 and 2022 were €2.469,52 and the income was €10.578,45 with a netto result of €8.108,93.
The expected yearly costs consist of banking account, website account, crossref membership and possibly additional membership for the indexing of the Journaal van Syrphidae. Furthermore travel reimbursments for the Chairman are expected too.
In total these yearly costs will be €750.
The expected yearly donations from compagnies is estimated to be €500 and the current members will generate €250. in the current state the costs will be covered by the expected minimum income.