The goals of the foundation is to further the worldwide study of Syrphidae.
This will be accomplished by funding all sorts of activities related to the study of Syrphidae such as:
- travel expences for Syrphidae collecting trips
- travel expences for museum visits to study Syrphidae
- travel expences for visiting the biannual International Syrphidae Symposium
- collecting material such as Malaise traps, mounting material, chemicals, and handnets
- equipment like insectcupboards, photo equipment, computers and binoculars
- pakking material and shipping costs for sending specimen back to musea
Everyone is elegible to apply for funding, but only those who have no, or very little regular income from the study on Syrphidae will be rewarded.
Especially those looking for travel funding for the International Syrphidae Symposium will be granted funding.
The amount of funding for each applicant can not be mentioned, as the funding capital is unknown at this moment, so no application can be done for now (May 2021).